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Eventually, Block says, a man will begin to avoid
sex. And his condition may plunge him into depression. pure green coffee extract An often neglected component contributing to brain
health is optimal sleep. On average, we sleep approximately 1.
5 hours per night less than we did 100 years ago.
Modern technology makes it easier to get less sleep and
our busy lives encourage us to do it. Sleep is far more than a time of rest, and is too often misclassified as a
period of lost productivity. It is an active metabolic period for our
brains. Sleep is a time when we consolidate memories of the previous day, a time when we re-synchronize the circadian rhythm
of at least dozens, if not hundreds, of hormones controlling our metabolism.
Sleep loss is associated with a high percentage of mood disorders and
certainly reduces our cognitive efficiencies.
We must give ourselves permission to sleep by realizing that it
is counterproductive to steal from it. http://igreenbeancoffee.
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